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Accelerating decision-making on production lines by combining industrial process automation by Vitesse and digital signage from Telelogos

June 7, 2024

Telelogos invents software that, worldwide, facilitates mobility, information flow and collaboration with employees, customers and visitors.

Their software draws on their expertise in digital signage, information synchronization and connected equipment management.

They enable new digital experiences in offices, factories, logistics centres, railway stations, airports, boutiques, shopping malls, bank branches, hospitals, schools, restaurants, theatres, etc.

Accelerate decision-making on production lines by combining industrial process automation and digital signage

In the industrial world, there's a serious lack of transparency when it comes to machine performance. Many people see them as black boxes with no usable data, even though they generate an abundance of it! So how can you take back the reins of your production tools? That's what the alliance between automation software like Vitesse and the digital signage solution Media4Display offers.

The power of the Vitesse solution coupled with digital signage

Collecting data from your production lines and transmitting it in a personalized, automated way is essential. This business data does indeed exist, thanks in particular to MES or ERP solutions that track production orders, quality, supply, machine status, etc. Vitesse makes it possible to collect this data to drive processes. Vitesse makes it possible to collect this data for process control.

The integration between Vitesse and Telelogos' Media4Display makes it possible to visualize this information clearly and concisely, by displaying it on strategically placed screens. Gone are the days of filling out tables by hand in the middle of the factory floor! Now, important information is automatically relayed and displayed in real time on the screens, giving all operators a clear view of the tasks at hand.

Greater operator involvement

With Vitesse and Media4Display, all business information on your production lines is now communicated in real time. Whether it's tracking orders to be prepared, in progress or completed, for example, sharing the relevant data from your industrial process is now child's play. This empowers operators by providing them with crucial information to make informed decisions and focus on their true added value. As a result, the entire production chain gains in efficiency.

Real-time warning

Beyond the fluidity offered in the daily management of each operator's tasks, the strength of this alliance is also its ability to alert in real time at the slightest error.

Manually trigger an alert

The Media4Display digital signage solution lets you automatically display an alert message when a specific action is performed (pressing a STOP button, for example). This is an important visual aid for alerting all those present around your production line that a problem is in progress.

Automatic alerts on detected errors

Setting up alerts to be broadcast automatically according to specific conditions is equally simple. By installing a camera on your production line, Vitesse software can detect potential errors, such as the preparation of orders with cartons each containing 4 batteries. When a prepared carton passes under the control camera, the software can identify the slightest anomaly, such as a missing or incorrectly positioned battery, for example. The digital signage solution then intervenes, displaying the identified error on screen. It's a simple and effective way of eliminating all such errors and ensuring the conformity of all prepared orders.

To make your data as clear as possible, our digital signage solution lets you present it as indicators, gauges, curves and more. You can also use your screens to share operating procedures or safety instructions. Discover the many uses of digital signage in industrial environments.

Thanks to the combination of Vitesse and digital signage, you can collect all your data, convert it easily into visual information, and distribute it at the right times, in the right places, to the right people, and in the right formats!

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